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How to roll a joint

How to roll a joint ? There are many ways of rolling a joint. There are a few people who roll a perfect joint by hand without any tool or machine. If you practice, it`s not impossible.

Then there are two types of Rolling machines for joints. There are devices like theRollmatewhere you roll a paper around a cone and just fill the cone, and there are the graffix rollers like theFuturola, where you put all you`re stuff in a machine and just twist it a few times. Add the rolling paper and you should have a joint. Both methods will help you to roll a perfect joint.

If you want to know more about the use of marijuana, see ourFAQ. There is info about how much weed you can use, some etiquette and all kind of answers about joints.

      how to roll a joint               using the rollmate               futurola

Click one of of the following methods to learn more about rolling joints:

* How to roll a jointBy hand, withRollmateor withFuturola

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